Cart and Pulley

Just to put in space
Tape a 3 by 5 card to the side of the cart like this. This will insure proper blockage of the photogate without causing drag.
Just to put in space
The Photogates first need to be daisy chained together. This is done by pluging the a white pulg into the Lab Quest and the other end into a photogate.Plug a white plug into the frist photogate and the the clear one into the another till three are linked together.
Just to put in space
Using ring stands place the three photogates along the track with the cords on the same side. This is important to make sure the distance between the eyes is accurate. Make sure the cart can go under them blocking the gates as it moves along.
Just to put in space
Using a ruler to line up the front of the photo gates with a mark on the track ruler. Space the 3 photo gates evenly a part. Make sure you line each photogate up with the rule on the same side.
Just to put in space
Make sure that the Lab Quest shows the Photogates as unblocked. If not there is slider inside the gate that may be blocking the sensors.
Just to put in space
Go to the sensors then down to data collection and change the photogate mode to none.
Just to put in space
Change to table mode. The differnce of time between the blocked to blocked states is the time it took to travel the distance between the photogates. Knowing the distance between the gates and the time the cart took to travel the distances two veloicities can be found. The change in these veloicties is the acceleration.
Created by Jorden Luke August 2008 Using Microsoft Visual Studio